Fiesta in the Park 2018

The Fiesta Club of Great Britain (FCGB) are pleased to announce that the 19th Fiesta In The Park will take place at Wood Green Animal Shelter, Godmanchester on Sunday 13th May 2018. The show will retain its focus on Ford's original super mini, but as usual welcome clubs from across the Ford range old and new. The show is a laid back affair, a time to catch up with old friends, forum users and making new friends.

We will also have bouncy castles for the kids at the show.

Tug of War Competition
The show will once again hold its annual tug of War competition which is open to all visiting clubs. Teams are made up of eight people so please enter a team or two for charity, it cost £10 per team. Can anyone beat the champions Essex Ford Meet?

Show Ticket Prices
Ticket prices for car clubs will remain at £8 per car which includes all passengers. Club forms can be requested from, from the FITP Facebook page or click here.

Tickets for general public visitors are £5 per person and will need to park in the Wood Green Animal Centre car park. Do not try and enter via the show entrance. Children under 16 FREE

Single Entrants
Please apply to George Watson (

Adult and Children Activities

Trade Stands
Traders wishing to attend the show can either e-mail George Watson (, download from the FITP Facebook page or click here. If you are late applying for a trade stand please call George Watson as we may be able to fit you in. Do not delay!